Instructions on how to make sure you are using the latest version of the Unmind app
⚠️ Please note ⚠️
You might not be able to use the Unmind app on your mobile device.
If you're not sure, check here to see if your device is supported.
Downloading the app
The Unmind app is available to download for Android and iOS in the following stores:
Either click on the links above, or search for Unmind in your respective store.
What app version do I currently use?
To check what is the version of the app that you have currently installed on your phone, open your Unmind app and click on the burger icon ☰ in the right-hand corner to access the menu.
Scroll all the way down and look at the numbers after Unmind below the Log out button, this will tell you what version of the app you are currently using.
In the above example, we are on version 3.35.0 of the Unmind app.
Check if there is a newer version of the app
Go to the App or Play Store, search Unmind and check if you see a blue/green Update button.
Click on the Update button and the app will be updated within a few minutes. If the app is up to date, you will see an Open button instead of Update.
How do I get started?
The following articles will help you get set up with the Unmind app:
If you need any other help with the app, find out how to get in touch here.