Unmind is completely free for users and provides a confidential service that you can access 24/7 to support your wellbeing. None of the personal data in your account is shared with your employer or anyone in your company. For more information about how we use your data, you can always check out our Privacy Policy.
That said, if you want to close down your account, you can do this via the Unmind mobile app on iOS or Android by following the below steps.
Deleting your account using the Unmind mobile app📱
1. Go to your Account details, by clicking on Home and the ≡ symbol in the right-hand corner next to your name.
2. Tap on Delete next to Delete account.
3. You will then see a pop-up confirming you wish to delete your account. Tap Yes, delete my account to move forward.
Don't have the app or experience any technical issues when attempting to delete your account? Please reach out to the team here.