An insight into the 6 bite-sized, digital interactive programmes that complete Foundations Training
Where can I find the Foundations courses? 👀
You can find the Foundations courses by clicking on Explore and selecting the category Grow, then scroll down to the bottom to see the subcategory Foundations.
Here’s a breakdown of the Foundations modules 🧠
1. Intro to Mental Health
Your broad introduction to the topic of mental health. Explore the multifaceted causes of mental health problems, address stigma and evaluate the construct of diagnosis.
2. Mental Health Explained 1
A spotlight on depression, anxiety disorders and stress. Recognise symptoms, understand what it feels like, and gain an overview of options for support and intervention.
3. Mental Health Explained 2
Understand, recognise symptoms and gain perspective on more severe problems like psychosis, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, self-harm and addictions.
4. Supporting Others
Develop your skillset on initiating supportive conversations and understand the limits of where you can and can't be expected to help.
5. Talking About Suicide
Spot warning signs, feel equipped to ask others about suicidal thoughts, and understand the expectations of your role versus that of a professional.
6. Mental Health At Work
Do I have to do the courses in the exact order? 👀
You don’t have to but we’d highly recommend completing them in this order, as each course builds upon the one that came before it.
If you have any questions around this, you can get in touch with us here.