As part of the Admin section of the Unmind platform, available to you as a key contact within your organisation, you have access to the Unmind Dashboard. The Unmind Dashboard provides you with the top-level data insights from your organisation’s Unmind platform.
To access this area, log in to your Unmind platform as normal and select Admin from the drop down menu at the top right hand corner of your screen.
The Unmind Dashboard is designed to give you instant access to data points on-the-go, allowing you to self-serve uptake, activity and wellbeing insights on demand. In addition, you will have regular meetings with your Client Success Manager in which they will provide you with additional data.
The Dashboard
You will see three sections within the Unmind Dashboard: Uptake and Activity, Employee Wellbeing Scores and Manage Users. Uptake and Activity as well as Employee Wellbeing Scores will provide high level data to understand how Unmind is performing in your organisation. You can find further information on the Manage Users function in this article.
As standard, data is presented to you from the past 30 days, with the exception of figures labelled as all time, which take into account all data available since your launch. You have the option of selecting a different time period of 12 weeks (this covers the last full 12 calendar weeks, Monday to Sunday) or 6 months (this covers the last full 6 calendar months). The dashboard is updated once daily at 0000 UTC.
You are also able to filter by department or location to view a granular breakdown of activity and uptake. Please note that to protect user anonymity, if fewer than 6 people have been active on the platform during the selected time period, activity data and the remaining data points on the dashboard will not be shown.
This anonymity rule also applies to data on registration and employee wellbeing scores.
Uptake and Activity
This tab displays data on the 5 key features of the Unmind platform. The number of registrations and your activity levels across the platforms and the uptake and activity for Shorts and Courses.
For registrations, these two figures are the total number of registered users within your organisation (shown as all time registrations) and the number of registrations made within the selected time period (shown as current time period registrations).
Please note these figures do not include users or guests whose accounts have since been removed via the Manage Users functionality.
The Activity segment shows the number of unique users at your organisation who have accessed Unmind over the selected time period. Users who log in multiple times will only be counted once for the purpose of this insight.
As you scroll down, you will see data on Courses and Shorts. The Courses section shows you three key insights: the amount of time collectively spent on Courses, how many Courses have been completed, and the most popular Courses.
The Shorts section shows you the total Shorts playtime. It also shows you the top 3 Shorts played and the top 3 most popular Short categories based on unique users.
Employee Wellbeing Scores
This tab shows the total number of users who have completed the Wellbeing Tracker and the Mood Tracker.
The Mood Tracker figure is non-unique meaning if a user logs several moods, they will all contribute to this insight. You will also see the total number of Wellbeing Trackers completed (also non-unique) and the average Wellbeing Score for your organisation for the reporting period. It is worth noting that this insight is representative only of those who have completed a Wellbeing Tracker. Multiple Wellbeing
Scores from the same user will be averaged to avoid skewing the data.
You will also find the average scores for each of the Wellbeing Tracker categories, for example Sleep. Each category has a tooltip highlighting what factors are taken into consideration to calculate the category score.
Please note: no data will be displayed if there have been fewer than six unique users completing a Wellbeing Tracker or Mood Tracker in the time period.