At Unmind we are committed to delivering a high quality, safe and effective service. We want to ensure that everyone who uses our service has a positive experience.
We welcome compliments, feedback and complaints and see these as opportunities to improve and develop the service. If you wish to share information with us, please contact us by emailing
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received we encourage you to raise any concerns with your practitioner directly. If you are not satisfied with their response, you do not feel comfortable raising the issue with them, or if you believe we need to be informed about any misconduct, please contact our support team by emailing
When you submit your complaint, please share as much detail as possible, including the practitioner’s name if appropriate, and what you would like to be done to address your complaint. This will help us understand the situation, and allow us to take action quickly.
You will be contacted within two working days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint. We may contact you to discuss your complaint further.
We take all complaints seriously and aim to ensure all complainants are carefully listened to. We commit to investigate and manage your concerns appropriately.
Unmind Talk complaints
Complaints related to our Unmind Talk service will be investigated by a member of our support team and escalated to our Talk clinical leadership team where appropriate. Please note that we will not share any details of your complaint with your company.
Once we have concluded the investigation, we will contact you to share the outcome and let you know of any follow-up actions we are taking. We aim to resolve all complaints within 30 days but will keep you updated if this takes longer.
Unmind Help complaints
Complaints will be investigated by a member of our support team and escalated to our EAP Partner where appropriate. Please note that we will not share any details of your complaint with your company.