This article will guide you step-by-step on how to install Unmind within MS Teams for either your entire organisation and/or for individual employees. After installing Unmind, your employees will have access to the entire Unmind platform directly from within Microsoft Teams.
Verify your organisation
Before installing Unmind for your organisation, please provide your CSM with your MS Teams Tenant ID.
If you install the app before we have your Tenant ID, your employees will receive a message that says they do not have access to Unmind, as we cannot verify them.
What is a Microsoft Tenant ID?
It's Microsoft's globally unique identifier. Every organisation using MS Teams has one, which is easily accessible by an MS Teams admin.
Why do we need it?
It is required so that we can verify your organisation and your employees.
Where can I find it?
Here's a guide on how your MS Teams admin can locate your Tenant ID. Example of Tenant ID: 4042fb03-59fb-4147-a562-081b4bf5b5cf
Installing Unmind for your entire organisation
- Sign in to MS Teams admin centre and click Teams apps > Setup policies.
- Select the relevant policy for your organisation.
- Under Installed apps, select the Add apps button.
- In the Add installed apps pane, search Unmind. Select Add.
- Save.
Pinning Unmind to the app bar in MS Teams
- In your relevant policy, scroll down to Pinned apps.
- Select +Add Apps.
- In the Add pinned apps pane, search Unmind. Select Add.
- App will now show under Pinned apps. Arrange the apps in your preferred order under the App bar or Messaging Extensions.
- Save.
Manage who can install the Unmind app in MS Teams
Some organisations have stricter internal architecture policies and will need to allow access to Unmind from an admin level. This will enable employees to search and install the Unmind app in the MS teams app store.
- Sign in to the MS Teams admin centre and access Teams app > Manage apps.
- Search and select Unmind.
- Under Assignments, manage who can install and access the app → Everyone or Specific users/groups. You can set up groups in your Microsoft 365 admin centre.
Individual employee download
There are two ways for an employee to install Unmind:
From within MS Teams
From within your Unmind Account